Free online heat press classes. Learn how to start a t-shirt business at this FREE online virtual event.
If you’ve heard about our live virtual learning event, you can still register to join. It’s called Heat Press for Profit Live and takes place on January 5-7, 2021. It’s FREE. A great selection of online heat press classes for all levels. Did you know we are also offering a sample kit that corresponds with the classes being offered? You can heat print along with the garment decoration experts. Learn heat printing step by step. You can only order the sample kit until December 11. There is a limited number of kits still available, so it’s first come first serve. Basically the kits allow you to create the items that will be shown during the live event.

There is a limited number of sample kits available. Kits must be ordered by December 11, 2020 in order to receive on time.
You will see how to decorate each item in the sample kit. When you are finished, you will have a great selection of printed samples which you can show your customers. Remember you will need a heat press in order to create custom items from the supplies in the sample kit. It’s a good way to be able to show future potential clients what you can do. You can still order the sample kit, but there is a limited number available. Once they are sold out, we will not be restocking. If you want to learn more about the event, the video below will explain why you shouldn’t miss it. We hope to see you there. It’s free for anyone to attend. To register, click here.
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